Trauma Counseling

Sexual Abuse/Rape

Sexual abuse, incest and rape are some of the worst traumas one can suffer. The emotional scars they leave behind can affect all aspects of your life. It is a sensitive issue and a survivor can be filled with guilt, shame, and negative beliefs about themselves that do not belong to them. Bottled up pain, anger, resentment, feelings of powerlessness and the pain of betrayal are all possible results of such a trauma.

Due to the sensitivity of the issues, it is often difficult to tell anyone that you are a survivor, let alone work through a process of healing. We have experienced and empathetic counselors who can gently and lovingly guide you through your healing journey. You can change those negative beliefs and bottled up emotions that have been impacting your level of freedom, happiness, and a sense of empowerment.

Our wish for you is that you no longer feel the sting of such abuse. Our wish for you is that you know the peace, joy and self-love that you were meant to experience in life. During a Consultation Visit you can sit down with an experienced therapist and together put together a treatment plan that best suits your needs and personalities.

Possible techniques that are gentle and healing include Guided Imagery, Gestalt Therapy, supportive counseling, and art therapy. However, the ultimate treatment plan is your decision.

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is abuse of any kind against a family member or someone living in your household. The different types of abuse include physical, sexual, emotional, and mental. It can include stalking, extreme possessiveness, and more. Victims of domestic violence in many cases include wives and/or children, however men can also be victims of domestic violence.

Domestic violence unfortunately tends to increase the more time family members spend together. Domestic violence does not usually get better. Your safety and the safety of your children needs to be your first priority, but how can you find safety?

First of all call 911 if you or a loved one are in any kind of danger.

Talk to friends and family members.

Take yourself and your children to a Domestic Violence Shelter. There is one in every county.

While it is understanding that you are afraid, very afraid, the more you keep the abuse a secret, the more you suffer. The more you keep the abuse a secret, the longer the abuse will continue and perhaps the worse it will get. The more you keep the abuse a secret, the more you and your children will be scarred.

Please reach out to a professional for help. We are here to help you. We want to help you. We want to help your children.

No one should have to suffer abuse of any kind. It can start getting better the minute you call the Domestic Violence Shelter. It can start getting easier, better the minute you pick up the phone and make an appointment. I hope you will take the step today to begin to break free.

Inner Child

Most of us have come from homes that were less than ideal or we may have lived in an abusive environment. As a result many people have an inner child within them that is wounded, fearful, mistrusting, unhappy, etc.

Too often the child in us is the one who is in the relationships with loved ones, spouses, bosses, or employees. We take things personally because of our old wounds. We feel powerless because of the wounded inner child.

Inner Child therapy teaches you how to reparent your inner child and help you and your inner child heal. The results are greater self-esteem, happiness, and a sense of peace and strength. Your healed inner child is now free to play, laugh and enjoy life.

Grief and Loss

Coping with the loss of someone you love is one of life’s greatest stressors and creates the greatest pain. The pain of the loss is oftentimes so overwhelming. These feelings include sadness, extreme pain, loss, loneliness, despair, sometimes guilt, anger and sometimes shock. It is normal to want to cry all the time, or want to die. You may not want to wake up in the mornings. The despair and pain can be unbearable. Losing someone you love can lead to a severe depression.

How can I get through this? That is a question you may ask yourself. While you may want to isolate and though that may be ok sometimes, it can be very harmful and prevent your healing if you spend too much time alone. What you need most during such a difficult time is love and caring. Sometimes you just need someone to listen without saying a word, someone who will just allow you to feel your feelings of grief, loss and anger. ( without trying to fix it for you).

You don’t need to go through this alone. Talking to someone who cares about what will help you get through it.

Other forms of loss include divorce, loss of job, loss of your health, loss of finances. All these losses create real feelings of grief and pain and anger. They can severely affect the quality of your life. Talking to someone who understands will definitely help.