Please complete all sections. The client, if an adult, is regarded as being responsible for all charges generated.
Emergency Contact
Person responsible for account
Responsible party agrees to fill out a new form when any of the above information changes. Wrong information may result in incorrect filing and subsequent charges.
I, the undersigned, hereby authorize and direct my insurance carrier to pay directly to Inner Light Counseling all insurance benefits, if any due to me under my insurance plan. I further agree to pay the balance of the charges not paid by my insurance. Any balance that is not paid within 45 days will also be my responsibility and will be charged to the credit card on file. I hereby authorize the release of any information necessary to secure payment of benefits. I also authorize the use of this signature on all insurance submissions. If the client is a minor, I as the legal guardian give consent for treatment for this and future services rendered. I have received the Notice of Privacy Practices and I have been provided an opportunity to review it.